Richard M. Wolff
Webmaster TNO Online and TNO Web from March 1999.
Document Delivery service for the Corporate Communication Department and the
Secretariat of the Board of Directors TNO.
Information Officer for the TNO Infodesk.
Computer support for Intranet and Internet software, mainly Netscape.
Librarian Library Central Office TNO and Substitute head Library TNO-Environmental Sciences. From 1994 also responsible for the Library of INRO Center for infrastructure, transport and regional development.
Build of a union serial catalog. Preparation and implementation of new types of services, such as publications on disk and CD-ROM. Searches in external resources (PICA and Internet). Preparation of the combination of the three library collections. (e.g. common classification scheme).
Assistant-librarian (also Substitute Head of Library)
All library tasks, including acquisition, catalog maintenance, reference services and registration of loose-leaf publications. From 1988 library automation. Choice and implementation of a library package (Inmagic). Preparing the datastructures and report formats needed for making the different catalogs. Procedures and guidelines for the data-input. Automating the serials management, acquisition, book catalog and the registration registration of loose-leaf publications.
Administrative employee within the music department and replacement at the local libraries.
Library and Documentation Academy, The Hague Functionary in Scientific Libraries, 1985-1986
Library and Documentation Academy, Deventer Assistent-librarian, 1983-1985 (Practicals at the library of the Polytechnic in Hengelo and the Public Library in Deventer)
June 20 1959
Last updated December 13 2001