I made my two cents worth contribution to the World Wide Web using simple tools during June and July 1995, after having spent nine months learning my way around the Internet, and added it on to the Net at the Digitale Stad on July 11, 1995. ( I closed my house after September 1st 2001.)
On October 22, 1999 I also added it to XS4all.
As you can tell my page is very much a work in progress. So far I have not had access to fancy graphics editors and scanners and the like. I have used a simple html editor HTML Assistant under windows for workgroups 3.11 on a HP 486 machine. The page was tested using Netscape and Mosaic. I hope that I will be able to make it flashier as I learn more about HTML editing and get access to more sophisticated programs. Even though I find that there is a trend on the web to put style above content. By now I am using a Pentium 500 with 200mb RAM and Frontpage98. Still no frames or java added.
As a librarian I tend to look for information resources, and look on the internet as the largest library in the world. My homepage is designed to give me quick access to the main functions on the internet and also to let me keep up on topics that I find interesting. I hope that you find some of my choices amusing.
When I was doing my netsurfing and page building I was employed at TNO. At first it looked as if my job would probably end by February 1st 1996, so I have been busy with an outplacement agency training to look for work. Luckily I have gotten another job at TNO. Starting January 1st 1996 I will be working at the Corporate Communications Department TNO.
Once again the fickle finger of fate has struck. For the last three years I have been working as a cybrarian for the Corporate Communications Department TNO and the Board of Directors of TNO at the TNO Central Office in Delft. On January 26 1999 I was told that they no longer require a library/documentation center at the corporate level. My collection will be stripped, along with my tasks as a cybrarian. They have offered me alternatives to compensate for the loss of my current position, but I am not yet ready to give up my career as a cybrarian.
I have updated my CV in Dutch and English just in case another organization might be looking for a virtual librarian.
To get in touch with me use the following e-mail address: rmwolff@xs4all.nl
Are you looking for a job?
I have been lucky to have a direct link to the internet through the TNO network. If like me it looked as if next year you would have to start using a commercial provider for your internet link or if you are still looking for one I have added some for your information. Go access my list.